Cameras can be complex and difficult when trying to capture a beautiful image but if you are looking to become a professional photographer just like any other type of career, you will need to learn the nuts and bolts to truly master photography. There is a range of schools, colleges, and academies that offer a range of courses for students who are looking to become a professional photographer in the near future. Some of these courses will include the following:
Introduction to photography
- How a camera works
- How to choose the right camera
- The depth of field and compression
- Lenses and accessories
Composition and lighting
- Rules of composition
- The concepts of exposure
- Why light is important and how to use it
- Shooting in RAW
- Mastering white balance
Learning and editing your work
- Photo editing
- Organizing your photos
- How to store and save your photos
- Manage and edit your work progress
Compact cameras and portable photography
- Fundamentals of mobile photography
- Ticks of portable photography
- Editing your photos on your phone
- Tips and advice on compact cameras
Basic photography and techniques
- Flash photography
- HDR photography
- Long-exposure
- Time-lapse
- How to promote your business of photography
- How much are your services worth?
- How to succeed with an online platform
Camera Keywords
Aperture refers to the diameter of the hole in the lens. When there is a change in aperture the size of the hole adjusts to allow for less or more light into the camera which can affect the intensity of your final image.
Shutter speed
When the mirror flicks up the shutter opens to capture the light present onto the film. Depending on the speed that this happens will conclude the exposure length and the amount of action blur.
Slow shutter= more light to capture motion
Fast shutter= less light and freezes motion
The sensor is what captures and controls the light exposure which is what controls the ISO. The higher you set the ISO, the more sensitive it becomes and more noise is detected.
Low ISO= less noise and less sensitivity
High ISO= more noise more sensitivity
Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO are the features that are combined to create an exposure and cause changes in the depth field, motion blur, and noise.
There are three steps for exposure to occur that begin with aperture. As explained previously, an aperture is the diameter of the hole in the lens. As the aperture opens the f/ numbers lower which allows for more light to come in. This is a good thing, but be aware that it will also cause the depth of field very low.
Shutter speed
After the light has gone through the aperture of the lens it moves towards the shutter. How much of that light you will allow going into the camera is then established. In the end, it comes down to what you’re shooting and how much light is available.
After the light has spread through the aperture and cleaned by the shutter speed it connects to the sensor where the ISO is established. As the ISO number is turned up the exposure is increased and the quality of the image is decreased. This will also cause the noise to decrease as well.
Photography Facts
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